When I saw mushroomhead
When I saw mushroomhead
When I saw mushroomhead

I was born and I was dead"

CAN - Mushroomhead

miercuri, 10 martie 2010

Teen Idol Corey Haim Dies at 38

Nu vazusem nici un film cu Corey Haim (lucru care nu s-a schimbat nici pana acum) atunci cand am remarcat posterul din BRAVO in camera unui prieten, undeva prin 1987. Zambea smechereste de pe peretele prietenului meu (care mai avea si postere cu Limahl si Bruce Springsteen si nici macar unul din clasicele postere cu sanii Sabrinei sau Samantei Fox ... oare de ce?!).
Il invidiam sincer pe necunoscutul dar deja celebrul Corey.
Precis avea toata America la picioare si in nici un caz nu avea problemele mele: adaptarea la Timisoara unde ma mutasem de curand, scoala (liceul Loga), acneea suparatoare si virginitatea de-a dreptul agasanta. Doar zambea atat de increzator ...

A murit azi in bratele mamei sale ... cauza: overdose!

"I was working on The Lost Boys (1987) when I smoked my first joint. But a year before that, I was starting to drink beer on the set of the film Lucas (1986). I lived in Los Angeles in the '80s, which was not the best place to be. I did cocaine for about a year and a half, then it led to crack. I started on the downers which were a hell of a lot better than the uppers because I was a nervous wreck. But one led to two, two led to four, four led to eight, until at the end it was about 85 a day - the doctors could not believe I was taking that much. And that was just the valium - I'm not talking about the other pills I went through".

Dupa nici un an eu scapasem de problemele mele ...
Corey a scapat de problemele sale abia astazi.
R.I.P. Corey!

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